About Me

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Human. Woman. Capricorn, Snake and Fire. Also Bipolar II, the disorder.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Midsummer in Sweden.
Company: a rather new friend, my dearest closest younger one.
We against the horrors,
to the strangers,
becoming friends
- as the day turned into dawn.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Radiohead - Street Spirit

Radiohead - All I Need

Radiohead - Last Flowers
Hypo or just summer?
Easier to live

More or less happy days
Smiling in the sunny weather
Charming hair in the wind
Hypo happy or a new beginning?
Last days of newly found happiness?

- written in the end of May 2012
Meds taken, drink drunken and sleep forgotten.
Longing for lullabies and most of all closeness.
Might need more, might give even more -
but to whom?
Some things given, some things forgotten,
but not to forget -
every ending is the beginning of a new beginning.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A week ago, I didn't know you existed,
- yesterday, I realized you really do.
During the last 6 days and evenings, I haven't managed to scare you away,
- yesterday, I realized why.
Today I woke up with a lot of thoughts and expectations,
- yesterday, I realized it could be true.
Tomorrow evening, it will be a week ago,
- yesterday, I realized it felt like ages.

I'd like to know you forever, if you let me...

/A close friend or more?

"is that alright with you?"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Recognize. Relief after a bit of singing, crying, dancing and what so ever. Sometimes a combination. Afterwards the mind goes blank for a while and the echoes are the last sounds I hear before I let myself into the dreams within and even more deep when I sleep.

Special words, that reminds me that Brian is singing about some things I've been through. We all have our own truth, so why not listen and give this little man a chance.

Sometimes the words in acoustic tunes is the most desirable for one moment, and in the next the more "drumable" are the most loved ones. I can push the world outside my mind away for a moment, giving me a break and a feeling of relief. 

- "Dry your eyes, soulmate dry you eye, soulmates never die"

Placebo - Sleeping with ghosts

Monday, May 14, 2012

the Day after tomorrow will be the D day for this weeks searching for a new direction in life, at least the professional one. Just be honest and don't exaggerate things, easy for him to give as advice, but not that easy for me to follow. The truth can drag me down if I tell her about my diagnosis and exactly why I left the former pharmaceutical company. I need to find a way to give the truth in short, consistent answers without any doubt and without losing eye contact. Possible? The CV is already interesting for them, now it's up to me be desirable as a consultant as well. For me a new way of working, but at least I found myself a really nice manager, however D day ends...
Placebo - Innocence of Sleep
 Kite - I give you the morning
Joni Mitchell - Woodstock
IAMX - Volatile times

We are stardust we are golden -> I AM Stardust I AM Golden: IAMSIAMG

I should sleep, but here I am in front of the computer again.
Hypomaniac sleeplessness.
Volatile times... as IAMX sings and always is the true living and now more visible to the world, me and the stars.
A sudden thought about me blogging is suddenly a truth. The last drop was a blog, that I found earlier today http://confessionsofabpgirl.blogspot.se/ and maybe someday in the future I'll be as inspiring as Liz, Lea and BPgirl were to me. Finally the name of the blog is inspired by Woodstock with Joni Mitchell - thanks MrJ for sharing that tune with me =)